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Anti Spam & Virus Filtering Service

Service Implementation

All that is necessary is a change in your DNS records, so that the 'MX' (mail exchanger) entries for your domain point to Katharion's systems. After that change has been made, your email will be redirected through Katharion’s filters before being automatically delivered to your mail server.

*Please note that Cord Hosting's support staff will provide you with your new MX address.

* Do not omit the trailing periods in the MX entries.

* Do NOT change or remove any existing 'A' (address) or 'PTR' (reverse pointer) records.

What is an MX record? A mail exchanger (MX) record identifies the location of a domain’s mail server. The record directs computers on the Internet where to send email for a specific domain. Unfortunately, the record also informs spammers of the location of a domain’s mail server. By changing the MX record, a company can re-route its inbound email to Katharion, which filters messages for spam and viruses and then delivers the clean email to the company’s mail server.

There is no downtime involved in implementing Katharion. The setup process is fast and completely seamless, and does not affect or delay your inbound or outbound email.

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